Cutting Boards 101

Choosing The Right Size Cutting Board

When choosing which cutting board to buy, size is an important factor. In this video, we'll walk you through the different wood cutting board sizes available to help you make a better decision.

Choosing The Right Size Cutting Board

When choosing which cutting board to buy, size is an important factor. In this video, we'll walk you through the different wood cutting board sizes available to help you make a better decision.

Check out our three premier end grain cutting board products, and each will show you the different sizes: Maple, Cherry, and Walnut.

Choosing The Right Wood for Your Cutting Board

With multiple cutting board wood species to choose from, you may have trouble deciding on which one to go with. In this video, we break down wood species to help you make an easier decision.

Choosing The Right Wood for Your Cutting Board

With multiple cutting board wood species to choose from, you may have trouble deciding on which one to go with. In this video, we break down wood species to help you make an easier decision.

Take a close look at our Maple, Cherry, and Walnut, boards. We also make beautiful Mosaics.

End Grain vs. Edge Grain Cutting Boards

Ever wondered about the difference between end grain and edge grain? Well, here's your answer!

End Grain vs. Edge Grain Cutting Boards

Ever wondered about the difference between end grain and edge grain? Well, here's your answer!

We make both end grain and edge-grain cutting boards. We generally recommend and are known for our end grain boards (Maple, Cherry, and Walnut) but we also have an edge-grain option that's personalizable.

Options & Features for Your Boardsmith Board

You have options when you order a Boardsmith board. This video walks you through the different cutting board features available to you so you're informed of your options before purchasing!

Options & Features for Your Boardsmith Board

You have options when you order a Boardsmith board. This video walks you through the different cutting board features available to you so you're informed of your options before purchasing!

You can add feet or grooves on any board where there is an option. A good example is the Maple End Grain board.

Challenges With Wooden Cutting Boards & Butcher Blocks

In this video, we walk you through common problems that wooden cutting board owners go through.

Challenges With Wooden Cutting Boards & Butcher Blocks

In this video, we walk you through common problems that wooden cutting board owners go through.

Learn more about how to prevent and address issues such as warping, odors, and staining.